Test stand technology for the highest demands

Many years of experience in the electrical engineering of industrial control systems as well as our special skills as general contractor for turn-key systems enabled us to set standards as an OEM for vehicle manufacturers.

We offer our customers test systems for numerous applications – including a self-developed automation system.

Testing Technology for the Automotive Industry

When drivers of vehicles with dual clutch transmissions enjoy the smooth propulsion of their cars, Kleinknecht GmbH & Co. KG often plays a decisive role in this. For several years now, Kleinknecht has made a name for itself as a general contractor for turnkey systems in test bench technology. In the meantime, it is impossible to imagine the production facilities of automobile manufacturers and their suppliers without our test systems and test stands.

Automation System

With our own automation system based on standard hardware, we are able to map complex test processes. Our services include design and manufacture of test bench mechanics, development of drive technology, data acquisition, test program creation, noise analysis.

Our Test Benches

We supply in-line test benches for:

  •  gearboxes
  • automatic transmissions
  • dual-clutch gears
  • transfer cases
  • mechatronics/valve body units

and off-line test benches for:

  • gearboxes
  • motors (hybrid- and electric drives)
  • components (e.g. clutches)
  •  vehicles (e.g. 2- and 4-wheel chassis dynamometer)
  • special test facilities